Choosing to steer away from a fully animated approach for this spot, Director Tim Dyroff decided to film a real lizard and seal, animating 3D facial movements in post. The VO is a real customer testimonial, and nuances of his facial movements and mannerisms were delicately blended into the animation. We’re often asked to make creatures do things in post they can’t do in real life and this one is a fun example of what is possible when you work across multiple skill sets from film craft to CGI, editing and Flame compositing.
Selected Works
Picked For ChristmasWoolworths
Crafted Ice-CreamBlue Ribbon
Seal & LizardOptus
US SportsTAB
Devil’s CutJim Beam
Dreamers WelcomeUnited
Wake Up To SleepForty Winks
You KnowValvoline
Barangaroo: Urban RegenerationLendlease
Brave New WorldHuawei
Shark TankNetwork 10
There's Always More To DiscoverDan Murphy's
FallenTitle Design
It's a Long StoryBulleit Bourbon
Ka-Ching!Pokie Nation